GCSE – The Arts



As well as enhancing your understanding of theatre, our Drama GCSE will develop your skills in performance, teamwork, decision-making, researching, and analysing plays. Different performance styles and techniques are studied and students go to see a number of plays in London theatres.



GCSE Dance provides students with the opportunity to study dance both practically and theoretically. The course encourages students to develop their creative, physical, emotional and intellectual capacity whilst learning to critically appreciate and analyse an anthology of professional works. Students will have the chance to choreograph, perform, appreciate dance as an art form and develop their critical thinking skills.  Students will study a range of dance styles including contemporary dance, ballet and jazz which acknowledge many aspects of current dance repertoire.  


English Language and Literature

English Language and Literature

Fundamental to every individual’s progress in their further studies and careers, the course covers a range of literature, media texts, and scripts of planned and spontaneous speech. The course also develops students’ ability to write for different purposes, perfecting their literacy.

This course strengthens skills in writing and analysis and sees students study a broad range of literary texts including Shakespeare, nineteenth-century fiction, and post–1914 drama, fiction, and poetry.

Fine Art

Fine Art

The GCSE provides students with the opportunity to explore ideas, observations, and creativity through a variety of methods and techniques including drawing, painting, printmaking, and collage. Perceptual skills and a sound knowledge of the essential visual elements that underpin artistic practice are developed.



Students will study performance, composition, music history, and aural skills while becoming familiar with four stylistic areas of study: Popular Music, World Music, Western Classical Music from 1600-1899 and from 1900 to the present day.



A course that integrates the old and new techniques of film and digital photography, introducing students to film processing and the use of a darkroom as well as the importance of lighting, composition, subject, and viewpoint.